Governance and Structure
St. Gabriel’s Foundation is a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG) not having a share capital.
It is a registered charity (CHY No. 5548) which indicates its charity tax exemption status and is registered with the Irish Charities Regulator (No. 20008536). St. Gabriel’s Foundation is also registered with the Companies Registration Office (No. 023946).
St. Gabriel’s Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors who serve on a voluntary basis, they receive no remuneration for their work. They are appointed in accordance with the organisation’s Constitution and Company Law to discharge corporate responsibilities.
The principle aim of the Board of St. Gabriel’s Foundation is to ensure effective and efficient governance in complying with the Board’s statutory and legal obligations.
St. Gabriel’s Foundation operates under the leadership of the Chief Executive Officer who oversees the day-to-day management of the organisation and reports to the Board of Directors.
The Board’s work is supported by several sub-committees:
- Finance, Audit & Remuneration
- Nominations
- Fundraising & Development
- Quality and Safety
- Other sub-committees are formed to respond to current board work, i.e. Capital Projects.