As parents we wait for the first babble, the first sounds, the first words.

When they don’t come, we start to worry.

We seek help.

If the words don’t come, St. Gabriel’s wants to work with each child to find out what’s the best way for them to communicate.

Assistive Technology has given so many children the ability to tell their family what they need. It is a powerful tool.

But it is expensive.

Not every family can afford it. 

That is why we need your help. 

Please support our Christmas appeal.

Help us help families communicate with their child by giving them access to the Assistive Technology they need.

Please give whatever you can afford.

It could be a €5, €50 or €500. It all adds up.

Please donate today.

You can donate online here or phone St. Gabriel’s on +35361302733 (9am-5pm).

On behalf of the children you will be helping, thank you and Happy Christmas.

If you are working in an organisation, please ask them to consider making a corporate Christmas donation.