St. Gabriel’s is celebrating 60 years providing services to children with disabilities.

To mark this very special milestone, we are seeking support from businesses to mark a year in our history in order to make a difference to someone’s future years – in this case a child with a physical or life-limiting disability.

In order to reach our goal, we are asking businesses to donate €1,000 each.

The goal is to raise €60,000 – a €1,000 for every year of our history. 

St. Gabriel’s Foundation provided clinical therapy services to 917 children in 2021 and the number continues to grow.

The need is great and we need your support to continue to provide much-needed care in the community.

Together, let’s make this happen. 

If you or your company would like to get involved, you can make your donation securely on-line here or please contact Kate in the Fundraising Department for further information.

We would be delighted to tell the world about your kindness and we can do so through our newsletter, our social media channels and on our website too.

On behalf of the children you will be making a difference to, thank you.

#60for60 #iamoneof60 #stgabrielsis60 #showtheloveforstgabriels